About Us

About Us


Our Mission, Vision, and Purpose

Our Mission Our primary mission is to develop new and maturing followers of Jesus Christ. As a church, we do many things – worship, serve at food kitchens, give toys to children of prisoners at Christmas, teach Sunday school. But in the end, everything we do has the ultimate goal of helping people come to faith in Jesus Christ and follow him. We call this ‘discipleship,’ and we believe that discipleship is a life-long process. Living into our mission of…

What is a United Methodist?

While many new Christians today are wary of being a part of a denominational church, it’s our experience that being connected to a denomination can provide a rich experience that cannot always be replicated by an independent congregation. To coin a common phrase, there’s power in numbers! For example, every year the combined United Methodist congregation gives $ millions to support natural disaster relief, community outreach, and missions all over the world. For those who are interested in this sort of…

Church Resources

Heritage District Find out what is going on in our local district. There are now seven districts in Michigan condensed from nine as of July 1. Adrian First UMC remains in the Heritage District. Sign up to receive Heritage District E-News here. Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church Find out what is going on in the Michigan Conference. Listen and view the presentations from the 2023 Annual Conference. Find out more about programs like Readers to Leaders, Engage, and…

Our Staff

Thanks for looking us up! We are here to serve you. You may contact any of them at adrianfumc@adrianfumc.org. Please be sure to indicate in the email who it is intended for so it can be forwarded to the correct staff member.


All applicants must complete and return a general employment application. Web pages for specific positions may contain other materials which will need to be completed and submitted as well. Email all materials to pastor@adrianfumc.org. General Employment Application Form: Open Positions There are no open positions available at this time.

Office Hours: The Church office will be closed December 25th to January 1st.