Engage: Children & Youth Program
Join us every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sunday, following the Story for All Ages in Worship Service. Ages 5 to high school.
Seeker’s Sunday Morning Study Group
The Seekers Sunday morning study group will begin on Sunday, Sept. 15th. Jesus’ AlternativePlan: The Sermon on the Mount by Richard Rohr will be the source of our study. “When Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God, he was talking about an utterly different way of relating to human society as we know it…In this book, Richard Rohr goes through the teachings of the sermon, explaining the historical and cultural context of each verse and offering guidance for what it means for Christians today.” Seekers meet in the…
Adult Sunday Bible Study
Join in our ongoing Adult Sunday Bible Study in room 5 on Sunday mornings after church. This fall, our Bible lessons follow the theme “Claiming Identity.” They unpack and explore the concept of identity by examining the life and experiences of Esther, the factors that shape our identity, and how we find and claim our identity in Christ.The writer of the student book is Dan Dick.
Family Fall Gathering at Heritage Park
Come for hayrides, hot dogs, roasted marshmallows, cocoa and fun. All ages welcome! Sign up at the round table outside of the sanctuary.
Wednesdays of Wonder Dinner & Fellowship
*FYI: We have worked hard to keep the cost at $5/meal and find we can no longer faithfully sustain that price. Beginning in September, the dinners will be $7/meal or $25/family.* As always, no one is turned away for any reason. Devotion & Meditation @ 4:30 PMDinner @ 5:00 PMVBS Planning @ 6:30 PM Upcoming dinner menu: October 2: spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, mixed greens salad, and dessert Also, our very best Chef Bryan agreed to cook for us until…
Pub Theology
Did you you know that Pub Theology is international? Check out the website at Pub Theology. Gatherings at pubs and restaurants are popping up all over! People of varying religious traditions, philosophical perspectives and life experiences are sitting down to learn from each other. People have been gathering in pubs and public spaces for ages, talking about life, philosophy, faith, and deep questions of meaning. Increasingly, people all over are rediscovering the pub as a safe, open space where they can explore and express their own doubts and…
Join us in our front parking lot on Saturday, October 26th from 5pm-6pm. Sign up to be a trunk or just bring donations of candy to help in the community joy-filled event.