*FYI: We have worked hard to keep the cost at $5/meal and find we can no longer faithfully sustain that price. Beginning in September, the dinners will be $7/meal or $25/family.*
As always, no one is turned away for any reason.
Dinner @ 5:30 PM
Also, our very best Chef Bryan agreed to cook for us until his busy season begins in November. If you would like to help step into this blessed ministry of creating meals for a community, please contact Rev. Alice.
RSVP (for planning purposes) by calling or emailing the church office or note on your connection card. Feel free to drop by last minute.
Vicky Lynn Winter
What time is the Empty Bowls at the Croswell Wednesday evening?
David Guldin
Ann and Dave Guldin will be at the chili cook off to taste test only…