Past Events

Past Events

Quiche Sale

The annual Adrian First Quiche Sale to support the outreach of our Food Ministries is here!! House-made Ham & Cheese, Spinach & Mushroom, and Grilled Chicken & Broccoli quiche are available for $20 each. Order forms are available below, in the Narthex or the church office.  Orders are due by noon on Sunday November 17th.  Quiche will be available to pick up at the church near door 13 to Fellowship Hall from 10:40am to noon on the following Sunday, November 24th. The quiche…


Join us in our front parking lot on Saturday, October 26th from 5pm-6pm. Sign up to be a trunk or just bring donations of candy to help in the community joy-filled event.

Blessing of the Animals

Join us in our pavilion on Saturday, October 5th at 4pm. All animals and community members welcome! Any donations of supplies will be collected and provided to the Lenawee County Humane Society.

Blessing of the Backpacks & Church Picnic

All children, teachers, workers are invited to bring the backpacks, briefcases, tote bags to church on Sunday, September 8 to be blessed as we kickoff the fall program year! Come for the celebration and fun. Bring a side dish for our picnic!

Wesley Chorale Potluck

The Wesley Chorale is excited to begin the 2024-25 season! We will have a potluck on Saturday, September 7th at 5:30pm. Bring your significant other and join us in the Fellowship Hall. Steve will be grilling hamburgers, so please bring a dish to pass. Following dinner and socializing, we will rehearse a few musical selections to begin our fall season. If you love singing and would like to check this out, please join us.  Please direct questions to Laura Langley at

Disciple: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study

More information to come! Every United Methodist can be proud of knowing how much impact the United Methodist Disciple Bible Study program has had on the lives of millions of people. Being part of this intense and committed program changes lives; it changes the lives of every single person in the group, every single time. If you haven’t been part of a group before, pray with an open heart and open mind to discern if now is the right time…

VBS 2024: Camp Firelight

Join us at Adrian FUMC for our Camp Firelight VBS! Camp Firelight VBS is based on Psalm 56:3: “Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.” This verse reminds us that we can trust God no matter what challenges we face! Our VBS Campers will explore timeless Bible stories that show how Old and New Testament “campers” trusted God in the face of their own fears, and went on to do great things in God’s name!

All Church Potluck

Mark your calendars for an All Church Potluck on June 9 following worship! The church will be providing pulled pork. Please bring your favorite potluck dish to share.

Blood Drive

We need donors to sign up and also a few people for greeters and snack table monitors. Sign ups are at the Welcome Center or call the church office. Sponsored by the Outreach Committee and led by Mitsy Mentzer. Sign up to donate here.
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