

What’s happening in the
life of our church

September 19, 2024

A Note from Pastor Alice

Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!
Three things I want to share here:

  1. As I shared in church last Sunday, our survey of potential giving toward the project of restoring our pipe organ has reached the threshold of $150,000 which was our target for signing the contract with Muller Pipe Organ Co. The down payment of $70,000 will come from the endowment in the next couple of weeks. We are grateful for all who have contributed to the endowment over the many years and for the leaders on the endowment team (Lee Johnson, chair, Stan Caine, Norm Glasser and Clarke Baldwin) who help keep it strong. While the contract will be signed in the next couple of weeks, the work won’t be started for quite a while. We will keep you posted.
  2. We hold a learning / remembering session every year to help our existing and new worship leaders gain understanding in why we do the things we do. If you would like to help serve communion, be a liturgist or an acolyte, please join us on Sunday, September 29th at 10:45am in the sanctuary. 
  3. The Nomination Team has worked hard over the past 6-8 weeks to discern the people who help guide the church as we begin functioning under a Single Accountability Structure Leadership Board. You are such a strong congregation that the list of possible candidates was Huge! With a desire to carry over a good bit of current leadership knowledge from our existing leadership teams and a desire to bring in a few new voices, here is the slate of candidates that will be put forward at our Annual Charge Conference on October 12th. 

    Chair – Matt Herr 
    Lay Leader – Sally Powers 
    Lay Delegate – Sally Watson
    Kay Allingham 
    Bill Bachman
    Gerry Burg
    Barb Foor 
    Christine MacNaughton
    Scott Morton
    Janet Salzwedel
    Christy Mesaros Winckles         

    Let us commit all these things to prayer as we excitedly move our way forward as God’s people.

    Blessings to each and everyone!
    Rev. Alice

    Family Ministry Events for
    All Families of All Ages

    Blessing of the Animals

    Join us in our pavilion on Saturday, October 5th at 4pm. All animals and community members welcomeAny donations of supplies will be collected and provided to the Lenawee County Humane Society.

    Parents Night Out

    Saturday, October 5th at the church, 5pm-8pm. Sign up to bring children and/or to help with the event at the round table outside of the sanctuary.

    Family Fall Gathering at Heritage Park

    Sunday, October 13 from 4pm-6pm. Come for hayrides, hot dogs, roasted marshmallows, cocoa and fun. All ages welcome! Sign up at the round table outside of the sanctuary.


    Join us in our front parking lot on Saturday, October 26th from 5pm-6pm. Sign up to be a trunk or just bring donations of candy to help in the community joy-filled event.

    Church Outreach, Sponsored by our Outreach Team

    The Outreach Team is again sponsoring a booth at Artalicious. Come and be part of the Adrian community and stop by and visit our volunteers: This Saturday, September 21st. Our booth will be located at Non-Profit Row on West Maumee.  Click HERE for Sign Up Genius.

    Open positions: Sunday Morning Hospitality Team

    Looking for individuals, groups and teams to sign up for coffee hour now!

    Thank you to Alice and all the various committee’s who signed up to do coffee hour while I healed from my knee accident.  I called Alice from the ER when I got news I might have to be transferred to Grand Rapids for further care.  I was alone and Alice was the first person I wanted to talk to.  I cried, and we prayed….The Dr. came back and the CT scan didn’t find any major debris. I was really happy, till the stitches started. 

    I especially want to thank those who prayed for and with me.  I am all good now but remember Coffee Hr. is open to any person or group to host such an important fellowship time.  The sign-up sheet is always available in the Narthex or the office.
    Marty Wheelock Schoonover

    Prayer Gathering

    You are invited to join in these upcoming opportunities for prayer and study. Where two or more are gathered, the Lord is there!

    Prayer Opportunities
    When: Wednesdays after WOW @ 6:30-6:45
    Beginning September 18
    Where: Sanctuary
    Why: To pray for the coming election

    Prayer Study
    When: Thursdays @ 10-11am
    Beginning September 26
    Where: Room 3
    Why: Eight week study on the Lord’s Prayer

    Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-being

    Sign up for this course or for one at the church on Wednesdays at 430pm beginning October 16th.

    Methodist Healthcare Ministries
    at Adrian FUMC

    For those things happening at the church in the name of the healing related work of God:

    Fall Prevention Workshops in Fellowship Hall

    Wednesday, September 25, from noon – 2pm
    Are you concerned about Falling? Let us help your balance!

    • Learn how to get up from a fall and how to fall with as little injury as possible.
    • Learn how to assist someone else who has balance challenges
    • See demonstrations on appropriately using your walker and cane while navigating stairs, corners, and curbs
    • Receive a personal gait assessment by PT or OT staff.
    • Free resources, handouts, and consultations with Options Counselors for home safety recommendations, assistive technology, and other services to help you manage.

    Red Cross Blood Drive in Fellowship Hall

    Tuesday, October 8 from noon-6pm
    Sign up at Red Cross!

    United Way Health Check in Fellowship Hall

    Thursday, October 10 from 8am-noon
    A variety of vaccines will be offered. Blood tests available that require a 12-hour fast, prices range from $5 -$20. Blood pressure check and other health partners onsite. FREE MEDICATION DISPOSAL – no syringes, liquids or creams.

    Connection Cafe in Fellowship Hall

    Wednesday, October 23 at 11:30am
    Come for food, fellowship, fun and learning with people in the community. Lunch provided. Topics led by Wellwise Area on Aging

    Call ahead to reserve a seat: Amanda Marsh @ Wellwise Services 517-592-1974

    Adult Sunday School

    Seeker’s Sunday Morning study group 

    The Seekers Sunday morning study group will be discussing: Jesus’ Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount by Richard Rohr.  “When Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God, he was talking about an utterly different way of relating to human society as we know it…In this book, Richard Rohr goes through the teachings of the sermon, explaining the historical and cultural context of each verse and offering guidance for what it means for Christians today. “

    Seekers meet in the lounge at 10:45 on Sunday mornings. Below is a link for information about the study. Purchase the book on your own in whatever format you choose.  

    Please let me know if you will be joining the group. I will add you to the contact list for the reading assignments.

    Adult Sunday Bible Study

    Join in our ongoing Adult Sunday Bible Study in room 5 on Sunday mornings after church

    This fall, our Bible lessons follow the theme “Claiming Identity.” They unpack and explore the concept of identity by examining the life and experiences of Esther, the factors that shape our identity, and how we find and claim our identity in Christ.
    The writer of the student book is Dan Dick.


    WOW (Wednesdays of Wonder)

    Information on our Wednesday Dinners:
    Seeking cooks to manage one meal a month.

    FYI: We have worked hard to keep the cost at $5/meal and find we can no longer faithfully sustain that price. Beginning in September, the dinners will be $7/meal or $25/family. As always, no one is turned away for any reason.

    Also, our very best Chef Bryan agreed to cook for us until his busy season begins in November. If you would like to help step into this blessed ministry of creating meals for a community, please contact Rev. Alice.

    RSVP (for planning purposes) by calling or emailing the church office or note on your connection card. Feel free to drop by last minute.

    The Congregational Care Team

    The Congregational Care Team invites the congregation to stop by Room 5 and share some joy. There are all kinds of wonderful cards available along with a church directory and return address labels. Stop by and brighten someone else’s day or brighten your own day by giving to someone else. All you have to do is add the stamp!  Thank you to all who have donated cards.   

    Heritage District Leadership Team

    Your  Heritage District Leadership Team has put together a District Conference event that you won’t want to miss! Join us for an inspiring day of networking and idea sharing featuring Keynote SpeakerLuke Edwards, author of Becoming Church – A Trail Guide for Starting Fresh Expressions. It is our hope that clergy and laity alike will come away energized with creative new ways to extend the love of Christ in the communities they serve! 

    Learn more and sign up HERE.

    Ongoing Ministries

    Please check the on-line calendar (click here) for all information & current updates.

    Handicrafters: 6:30 pm 2nd and 4th Mondays 

    Gardening: Memorial Garden Tuesdays (weather permitting) at 9:30 am

    Quilters: Meet every Tuesday in the Lounge from 10 am – 2 pm 

    Men’s Breakfast: 7:00 am first Wednesday of month at Family Kitchen

    W.O.W. (Wednesdays of Wonder): 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm weekly

    Prayer Gathering: 10:00 am first Thursdays in Room 3

    Handbell Choir:  Watch for fall details as they become available

    Little Dresses: Meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 1 – 3 pm

    Pub Theology: The 4th Thursday of each month at Aubree’s @ 5:30 pm

    Opportunities to Give

    Little Free Pantry

    Drop off in the red box outside of the nursery/preschool rooms or in the office. Take what you need and add as you are able.

    Mary’s Food Pantry

    From Liliane Haddad – In May, we helped 130 families, 367 individuals and 120 children. 22 new families came for food assistance. The need is greater every day and your continued support and donations are really appreciated. Many thanks to all my volunteers who are taking care of the needy in our community. We also give toiletries and provide utility assistance with shut off notices.

    Current needs: fresh eggs, fresh produce, kids cereal and cake mixes for families to celebrate birthdays together.

    For your information

    Prayer Requests & Updates

    Please contact the church office with your prayer requests by phone, email or note on your connection card. Prayer requests will be shared with the congregation through the bulletins and Tidings. If the prayer request is private, please note at the time of request.

    We also invite you to share your joys and celebrations – just email the church office

    Please know that prayer is our foundation and everything we do is surrounded in prayer.

    Next bi-weekly Tidings will be published on October 3.
    Please send articles to the office by 4 pm October 1.  
    Church website Adrian First UMC. Contact the church office assistant Pam Myers at (517) 265-5689 x402 or by email at adrianfumc@adrianfumc.org

    On-Line Church Calendar is on the website.
    Please sign up for coffee hour hosts and flower dedications at the Welcome Center or contact the office for open dates.