Posts from 2020

Stone Column

The Stones rolled into Adrian over a month ago and are mostly unpacked. We are enjoying the parsonage (henceforth to be referred to as “the parsnip”) meeting neighbors, renewing relationships, and making new friends. We have had two new trees planted; a Merlot Redbud in the front yard and a Tulip tree in the back yard. We also planted two boomerang lilacs and a diablo shrub. We plan to plant some hostas and ferns in the shady hillside on the…

Beguiled By Beauty

Today is my first day as your pastor. I had a long list of things I hoped to accomplish and crossed off more than half of them. I want to share a little bit about what you can expect in worship the next few weeks. I’m beginning a six-week series called “Beguiled by Beauty: Cultivating a life of contemplation and compassion.” It’s actually a title of a new book by Dr. Wendy Farley that has been delayed in publishing because…

May God Richly Bless You!

When I was in jr. high and high school, every youth group gathering closed with what I was told was “The MYF Blessing.” As it turns out, it’s a blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26. Here’s how we said it: “May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 You can imagine that…

What To Say or Not To Say

There’s been a lot of soul searching going in in our home over the past week. The recent civil unrest over the murder of George Floyd at the hands of white police officers has struck a deep nerve with one member of our household. The main question being asked is, “Should I speak up and publicly share my thoughts?” The question behind the question is In the face of injustice, is it wrong to not publicly say something? Put another…

God Is In Control

When I was in seminary, a professor whom I highly respected shared with me his opinion that Jesus didn’t have to die. An intelligent man, he had a superb grasp of the English language and the ability to clearly express his theological beliefs, so there was no misunderstanding him. He believed Jesus’ death was the unfortunate result of political and religious conflict. As he saw it, it was a death that could have been avoided had Jesus or the other…

Yes, I’m Leaving, But God Isn’t

“. . . he has said, ‘I will never leave you or abandon you.’”  — Hebrews 13:5 (CEB) This morning, while enjoying our morning coffee together, Caroline made the observation that she’s currently experiencing grief on account of matters related to her work. Being familiar with her work situation, it made perfect sense to me. This got me thinking about my own work situation. And as I sat there listening to her, it occurred to me that I’m in a…

A Few Initial Thoughts As I Prepare to Move

Here’s something that took me by surprise this week. This coming Sunday, May 3, will only be six weeks from my final Sunday, which is June 14! To say that this realization “took me by surprise” speaks to the fact that my focus really has been on the realities of the here-and-now. In all honesty, my move to Port Huron has occupied very little of my conscious awareness these past seven weeks. But then it hit me this week that…

Growing Yourself

Not Quite Up to the Challenge Yet A couple of months ago I downloaded a book onto my Kindle after reading an intriguing review of it. The title of the review is what initially caught my attention: “How to Get Godly (if You’ve Got the Guts).” Hmm, a book that’s going to present the path of discipleship as one which is challenging and requires a certain amount of ‘guts’ to walk! The title of the review threw down the gauntlet,…

This, Too, Shall End!

This is Pastor Drew’s back page article for the March 18 Tidings.It was written in response to the early unfolding of the coronavirus impact. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I’m feeling at a loss for what to say. I’m honestly struggling with how to help lead my ‘flock’ over a seemingly treacherous hill to a place of safety when I’m not even sure of the way there myself. Today I spent the afternoon researching…

Notice of Cancellations

Dear friends and members of Adrian FUMC, The World Health Organization has recently declared the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, and last night Governor Whitmer declared a state of emergency for Michigan on account of the coronavirus. In addition, beginning as early as this coming Monday, many Michigan colleges and universities are requiring all classes to be taught online. There seems to be a recognition this is one of those situations where the best offense is a good defense. After conversation…

Office Hours: The Church office will be closed December 25th to January 1st.