Due to recent COVID-19 recommendations, there will be some changes to the services:
- First we will be compliant with all State of Michigan, Centers for Disease Control, and Lenawee County Health Department guidelines and requirements to protect the health of our congregation.
- If you feel sick or are in an at-risk group for COVID-19, please stay home…we care about you, and your health is of the utmost importance to us.
- The west wing of the building will be closed.
- Hand sanitizer stations are available in the narthex for parishioners to use upon entering and exiting the church.
- We ask all attendees to sign in when they arrive at one of the four stations in the lobby, for contact tracing purposes.
- For the protection of everyone’s health, face coverings or masks are mandatory at this time for vaccinated or unvaccinated people. If you forget your mask, we will have some available for you.
- At this time we are still socially distancing in the sanctuary by using every third pew for seating. No reservation is needed to attend the service at this time.
- The service will typically consist of a prelude, announcements, special music, scripture, prayer, sermon and benediction.
- There will be an offering box for your donations on the way into the sanctuary. You are also welcome to continue to mail in, signup for ACH withdrawals, or make electronic donations through our website if that is easier and more convenient for you.